Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

  Have a Little Faith: A True Story by Mitch Albom, (ISBN-13: 978-0786868728) is a  wonderful read.

It has a bizarre premise—Mitch’s Rabbi, from his hometown, asked him to deliver his eulogy. Yet, his Rabbi lived eight more years. This allowed Mitch to spend time with his Rabbi, learning who he was and what his beliefs were.

Imagine spending time with someone who changed your life as a child, yet…now you had to get to know this person enough to give a eulogy. Your childhood fear & respect would be difficult to overcome.

Add to the equation the fact that Mitch had all but left his former beliefs, married out of his faith and now lived a secular life.

It makes for an interesting story.

But that is not all. Mitch has become successful as a writer. He wrote  Tuesdays with Morrie, a NYT best seller. Now he has set up a foundation to help those ‘less fortunate’ of Detroit, however he defines the term. And in the process of defining this very term, Mitch meets a Christian Pastor, Henry Covington, former drug addict, of I Am My Brother’s Keeper Ministry.

Can you tell I liked the book? If you get a chance it would be a good, light yet thought provoking read.

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