When Life is Easy and Freeing
![When Life is Easy and Freeing](https://www.pendancing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Water-falling-out-of-a-faucet_20140212-121x135.jpg)
Have you ever felt something was so right it flowed out of you with little effort like water flows out of a faucet? Maybe you wrote something, talked with a friend who needed support, ran two miles, hugged a child, or made a fabulous dinner?
Joan Baez said: “It seems to me that those songs that have been any good, I have nothing much to do with the writing of them. The words have just crawled down my sleeve and come out on the page.” http://tinyurl.com/bxyt4n
There are days most of us feel accomplished at what we do, but how do we build the frequency of those days so we consistently feel we have value and worth?
Maybe the answer lies within believing in ourselves each day, one day at a time as the old cliché goes.
Are there tricks and tips to guide this path? Yes.
First is see our self as a precious child of the Creator, a being outside ourself. We cherish what we deem precious, we nurture it, feed it, keep it in a safe place.
It’s all about a focus change to valuing who we are and distancing our self from negative self-talk. Humility presses for true self-evaluation and that is what I’m speaking towards.
Wonderful post, Jan. When we see ourselves as precious, everything else falls into place. When we know we are cherished, then everything we do has value.
Thanks. It’s hard for me to see myself as cherished many times. It’s probably because the world likes to tell me I need just one more thing to make me perfect. It’s the If-Only syndrome.
That’s why we need to use scripture as our mirror. We are made in His image. We are a royal priesthood. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are the apple of His eye. He keeps up with our wanderings and puts our tears into his bottle. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. He numbers our steps. NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. Need I go on?
You’re quoting scripture. I will contemplate your words. GRIN
Guess I let my inner Bible Thumper out of the bag there, didn’t I? Now my secret’s out. 🙂 Oh well, you ARE wonderfully and fearfully made. And while I’m on a roll, I like to think of us humans as one of God’s marvels. Now I’ll repack my leather bound Bible and head back to the closet. 🙂
LOL. Yes, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. So is all of creation. But that doesn’t keep me from listening to the world which says UGH!
Thanks, for all of the encouraging words. The majority of time, it’s difficult to view myself in the same perspective that God sees me. This world tells me that my minuses outnumber my pluses so I get bogged down in depression and sadness. Thank you for reminding me that God’s economy is just the opposite. I matter to Him.
I think there is a ministry that believers virtually ignore…encouraging and demonstrating empathy toward those in their midst. A phone call, a short visit, an e-mail are a few examples of simple ways to reach out and communicate, “I care that you exist!” (Jan Sykes, this is one of my “hot button” issues! Grin!)
After my original comment, I recalled a song that I truly like. It is called, “The Truth about Me” by Mandisa. Here is a video for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNi3JRWiZJg